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Hi everyone, I hope you are all enjoying the new website as much as me, but if you are having some difficulties, I will just trouble shot some of the most common problems people are letting me know about.

First of some people are finding that they don’t get a reset password email, the most common problem here is that your email has most likely gone to your spam folder, so please check your spam and you should find it there.

Second new registrations to the website, we have found that for now I have to manually approve your account so please allow me some time to do this, in the future this will be automated to a email verification to make things more instant.

We have also noticed that some people are still seeing the old website, this has something to do with the DNS propagating, this means that with in time the internet will have everyone directing to the new website and not the old, you can try pressing Ctrl + F5 to refresh your page if not please try clearing your Cache files.

Over than this all looks good but please let me know if you find something so we can fix it.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy

Happy Christmas

Bobby Waldron

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