Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Intermediate Step By Step Video Build


TBF-1C Avenger

  • Manufacturer: Hobby Boss
  • Scale: 1/48
  • Step By Step Level: Intermediate
  • Presented By: Bobby waldron
  • Number of Episodes: 17
  • Camera Angels: 4
  • Camera Definition: Full HD
  • PE Parts Used: no
  • painting Mask Used: no
  • Resin Parts Used: Yes
  • Kit Used No: 80314

The Grumman TBF Avenger (designated TBM for aircraft manufactured by General Motors) is an American torpedo bomber developed initially for the United States Navy and Marine Corps, and eventually used by several air and naval aviation services around the world.

The Avenger entered U.S. service in 1942, and first saw action during the Battle of Midway. Despite the loss of five of the six Avengers on its combat debut, it survived in service to become the most effective and widely-used torpedo bomber of World War II, sharing credit for sinking the super-battleships Yamato and Musashi (the only ships of that type sunk exclusively by American aircraft while under way) and being credited for sinking 30 submarines. Greatly modified after the war, it remained in use until the 1960s.

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Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Step By Step Video Build : Episode.1

In our First episode of the Hobbyboss TBF-1C Avenger we start tackling ejector pin marks, and build the engine using buffable natural metal paints

Special Tools: Ammo Sanding Sticks

Consumables: Squadron green putty, Mr Metal Colour: 214 and 213, Tamiya masking tape.

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Painting Dials On Instrument Display Panel : Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Ep.2

Painting instrument display panels might be a daunting task, but in episode.2 we will show you some nice tips to paint some easy and effective dials for you model.

Special Tools: Paint Brushes.

Consumables: Vallejo 71.057 & 71.001, Home brew thinners.

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Painting Resin Figures : Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Episode.3

In episode.3 we step away from the Avenger, this is so we can add some resin figure and show you how to paint them.

Special Tools: Paint Brushes, cutters.

Consumables: Please see video for list of paints used.

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Cockpit Weathering : Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Episode.4

In episode 4 of the Avenger build we start the weathering process off with the cockpit, we do chipping effects followed by using humbrol weathering washes to bring out all our nice detail.

Special Tools: Paint Brushes, sponge.

Consumables: Humbrol Wash Dust & Dark Grey.

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Cockpit Pigments & Canopy Masking : Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Episode.5

We start of with pigmenting the cockpit to represent dirt build up on the cockpit floor, with this build we need to get started with masking the canopy as this build fits together more differently than normal.

Special Tools: Paint Brushes, Blade.

Consumables: Ammo pigment 3007 & pigment fixer 3000 / Tamiya masking tape & cement.

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Filling & Sanding : Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Episode.6

With episode six we begin some filling and sanding, starting with our first round of filling with green putty, we will go over the problems with shrinking filler, and how to tackle this problem as well as showing you some sanding techniques.

Special Tools: Sanding Sticks.

Consumables: Squadron Products green putty & Mr.Surfacer 1200

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Scribing & Wing Fit : Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Episode.7

We get down to some scribing at the start of this episode, and move in to getting the wings to fit just right, this is because of the fit issue we have here.

Special Tools: Multiple scribing tools.

Consumables: Super glue, tamiya extra thin

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Sanding, fit problems & filing : Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Episode.8

Moving along with the Avenger TBF-1C we deal with some raised clear parts that need sanding down and then the clear parts to be polished all back up and nice, this is follow by some final bits of filling and beginning to install the canopy.

Special Tools: Sanding sticks

Consumables: Micro kristal klear, Vallejo plastic putty.

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Cockpit Masking & Spraying : Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Episode.9

With the start of airbrushing, we are going to move along with airbrushing the Avenger TBF-1C, but we are going to be going over some airbrush troubleshooting as we spray the Avenger TBF-1C.

First up airbrush cleaning but not as basic as you think, this is airbrush cleaning with lots of feedback from you lot.

Special Tools: Airbrush & cleaning tools

Consumables: Thinners, Tamiya masking tape, Sponge.

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Pre-Shading, Priming & Paint Mixing : Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Episode.10

Moving along with more airbrush troubleshooting, we look at thinning your paints and how to get a good feel for it, and we begin our pre-shading of the underside of the Avenger TBM-1C.

Special Tools: Airbrush

Consumables: Thinners, Vallejo 71.057 & 71.121

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Pre-Shading, Base Coat & Bleaching : Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Episode.11

Moving in to more Pre-shading we add a second colour to add more weathering to our spray work, we then move into putting our main colour on and show you how not to kill of your pre-shading, and finally move into some bleaching of the paint work.

Special Tools: Airbrush

Consumables: Thinners, Vallejo 71.125 & 71.121

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Post-Shading & Masking : Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Episode.12

To begin spraying the top side of the Avenger TBF-1C, we go over some masking tips, and then move into post-shading and how to mix your paints to achieve this nice weathering affect using the airbrush, we also have a mistake with the paint work, and so need to do some sanding.

Special Tools: Airbrush

Consumables: Masking tape, Vallejo 71.109 & 71.121

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Decaling : Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Episode.13

Now that our model is all glossed, we are ready for decaling, but with the hobby boss decals we need to use the Mr mark rang of decaling solutions, I will guide you in how to use these more stronger solutions, so as not to have the solutions eat in to your paint work and decals.

Special Tools: Sewing needle

Consumables: Mr Mark Softer & Setter

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Chipping & Weathering Wash : Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Episode.14

In episode 14 we begin the weathering stage, we start off with Flory models weathering washes to fill in our panel line and rivet lines, this is followed by chipping effects and natural metal finish, this is on our torpedo for the TBF-1C Avenger.

Special Tools: Brush

Consumables: Flory Models Wash, Vallejo 71.109

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Fading, Streaking & Wheels : Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Episode.15

We are getting close the end, but first we use some oils to fade in some dirty areas, and begin streaking effects using Ak Interactives weathering pencils, followed by how to paint in them wheels nice and easy.

Special Tools: Brush

Consumables: Tamiya XF-85

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Final Matt Coat : Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Episode.16

We begin episode 16 with painting and weathering our wheels, followed by how to remove canopy masks with out peeling the paint, and how to tackle some common problems with canopies, we also apply my favorite part, the matt coat, which really starts to show our model coming to the end.

Special Tools: Blade & tweezers

Consumables: Winsor & Newton Matt UV varnish

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Final Reveal : Building The HobbyBoss TBF-1C Avenger 1/48 Scale : Episode.17

Here it is the final episode, but before it is finished we need to sort out then bomb bay doors with some steady cutting with a P-Cutter, we will also finish of with using easy line to represent our radio line, and give a final look and conclusion to the build.

Special Tools: Blade, tweezers & P-Cutter

Consumables: Easy line & super glue

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