The Dreaded : Canopy Removal : Tutorial

Canopy Removal
- Video Type: Tutorial
- Presented By: Bobby waldron
- Number of Episodes: 1
- Camera Angels: 4
- Camera Definition: 4k on 1 camera, Full HD on over 3
- Modeling Area: Repair Work
- Special Tools: Swann Morton Blade
- Consumables: Micro Kristal Klear
In this tutorial we have to deal with the dreaded removal of a canopy, this could be due to lots of reasons, from over spray, fingerprints and marks on the inside of the canopy.
But in this tutorial we will guide you carefully though the process of removing the canopy with the least most damage as possible.
We recommend: Micro Kristal Klear. Ideal for turning small holes into glazed windows (airliners etc) and for gluing canopies to models. in 1 Fluid Ounce plastic bottles.
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The Dreaded : Canopy Removal : Tutorial
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