Modelcraft : Precision Oil Lubricator : Product Review

Precision Oil Lubricator
- Manufacturer: Shesto
- Scale:
- Area: Tools
- Camera Angels: 4
- Camera Definition: Full HD
- Presented By: Bobby Waldron
- item No: POL1000
• It contains 7.5cc / 1/4 oz of oil
• With general purpose lubricating oil
• Lightweight easy to use
• Ideal for delicate, precision work
• Delivers small drops of oil as required
Modelcraft Precision Lubricator
The general purpose lubricator delivers oil exactly where it is needed with pinpoint accuracy and ease. Ideal for household oiling tasks such as squeaky hinges, scissors, sewing machines, hedge cutters, chain saw chains, drill chucks and other mechanical devices in need of lubrication. Also excellent for bicycle and motor cycle chain, links, brakes and car door hinges.
Precision Oilers
The Modelcraft Collection includes a selection of Precision Oilers, designed to penetrate hard to reach areas and parts with great accuracy. The range includes the following Oilers: Multi-Function Engineering oil for general use; Superfine Oil with Teflon particles for easy flow & reaching difficult parts; Electrical Contact lubricator for protecting electrical contacts from corrosion; Rust removal & Inhibiting oil, great for loosening screw & bolt heads and rusty threads; Chain oil, ideals for bikes, chain saws and other chain types; Transmission oiler formulated for Radio Controlled models; Car lock de-Icer for preventing freezing of car & door locks, and for thawing frozen locks.
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Modelcraft : Precision Oil Lubricator : Product Review
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